Very interesting programme.
Anyway, on we go...
Album title: Drop Out of School
Artist: Pouya & Fat Nick
Suggested by: Qwertyy
Genre: Hip-hop
Nationality: American
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Fifth
Estimated Rating:
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Average RYM Score: 2.72
A lot of the time it seems to be Qwert who gets me into decent hip-hop, so I'm going to trust him again and hit this with a high expected rating. I do like the melody when the first track starts, got a kind of spooky feel about it, and the two guys exchanging verses works well. So far, so good. Second track weirdly reminds me of Doom. The game, not the rapper. “Save Me” has a nice trap sound, as do a few of the tracks that follow. “All On Me” sounds harder, sharper but I'd have to say while this is a good album, I'm not as blown away by it as I had expected to be. Qwert has turned me on to far better hip-hop. Better luck next month, man!
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