Album title: Superman
Artist: Suiyoubi no Campanella
Suggested by: Paedentic Basterd
Genre: J-Pop
Nationality: Japanese
Release date: February 8
Position in Discography: Second
Estimated Rating:
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.36
After the unbelievable Peter Silberman
tour-de-force Ped recommended, I was quite optimistic, though it must of course be remembered that her first choice flew about as well with me as a brick does, so I guess it's one from both ends of the spectrum, and this should then be the decider. But as it begins I'm reminded very much of the slew of K-pop albums I've endured over the last three months, and though this is a Japanese group and not a Korean one, I'm afraid I'm finding it hard to see the difference. Pretty generic I would say. Maybe I'm just burned out on K-pop but this is just going in one ear and out the other. Yeah, sorry: I'm just bored with this. Still, at least you got Silberman.
Check out more from this artist? Nah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Unless I have to (which I probably will) no
Actual Rating: