One more foray into last month afore I wrap up this one. The last look, then, at albums you've suggested I listen to which are
Album title: Burial Songs
Artist: Palehorse/Palerider
Suggested by: Gigantic Debaser
Genre: Doom Metal/Shoegaze
Nationality: American
Release date: February 3
Position in Discography: Debut
Estimated Rating:
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A very little on both
Average RYM Score: 3.47
That name is just made for a doom metal band isn't it? And these guys seem to rate both tags, doom metal and shoegaze; as I listen to the first (and longest, at over ten minutes, but just barely as the other three tracks on this all eclipse the nine-minute mark) I can hear both indeed. In fact, given the band name again, there's a real feeling of desolate western landscapes, prairies, outlawed strangers and mystery going right through this. That feeling is helped of course by the album cover, showing one of those old Mexican churches that crop up in so many western movies, usually as a place where the good guys make their final stand, the old copper bell pealing out dolefully (again, appropriate for a doom metal band) when the bad guys approach.
I'd definitely class this as more in shoegaze territory, though I can hear the whispers of doom metal in there. It's sort of hard to review, given that most of it is kind of the same, but it's a good same, if you know what I mean. Nice false ending there halfway through the final track. Yeah. Like this a lot. Nice one.
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