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Old 12-24-2017, 07:14 PM   #1366 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Close Ties
Artist: Rodney Crowell
Genre: Country/Folk
Nationality: American
Release date: March 31
Position in Discography: Twenty-first
Estimated Rating:

Familiar with this artist? No but I've certainly heard of him
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A very little
Average RYM Score: 3.32
A real legend in country music, Crowell has won two Grammys, worked with Emmylou Harris, Vince Gill and Bob Seger among others, and I hope will here show the young guns how it's done. A mixture of folk and country here, which is not surprising as he was influenced in his early writing by Townes van Zandt and Guy Clark. Rather surprisingly, “Reckless” is a folky ballad with some real nice violin and soft acoustic guitar, and I could see “Life Without Susanna” appearing on a Seger album with no problem, while “It Ain't Over Yet” features the daughter of the Man in Black, and Roseanne Cash gives a fine performance on one of the catchiest songs on the album so far. Sort of an early Eagles feel to it. Shut up.

“I Don't Care Anymore” has a hard edge and almost comes across as country's answer to a hip-hop song. No, seriously. Sheryl Crow lends her talents for “I'm Tied To Ya” which for some reason puts me in mind of a Pendragon song. Yeah, well, go figure, as they say. And then “Forgive Me Annabel” is straight Beatles with a shot of David Gates, and some totally gorgeous violin. “Forty Miles From Nowhere” is another standout, great melody, but then “Storm Warning” gives it a real run for its money. In fact, there are no bad tracks on this album, and it's easy to see why Crowell has lasted as long as he has in this scene, and thrived, and can justifiably tell the young hotshots to watch how the master does it.

Check out more from this artist? Yeah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

Actual Rating:
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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