Note: change to rating system.
As some people seem to be having a problem with linking Fear Factor with the Expectation Index, and, more importantly, as the three Fear Factor, um, factors I've chosen to use - Low, Moderate and High - don't really allow me to properly address my prediction as to how I'll react to the album, I'm abandoning both and now using a much simpler system.

Thought you'd all appreciate that.
From the next album on, Fear Factor will be replaced by Estimated Rating, which will use the same speedometer as I do for the actual ratings, and Actual Rating, which will be, well, the actual rating. That way you, and I, can see at a glance for an album how on the money I was, or how far off. I'm sure I don't need to explain further.
IF I get a chance (but it's highly doubtful) I MAY go back and adjust the last two/three hundred-odd albums I've used the previous system on, but in all likelihood I'll just leave them as they are and proceed with this from today.