Originally Posted by explosions-in-my-pants
i don;t like birthday parties.. the whole sitting there with all eyes on you while everyones saying open this,open this.. and then when you don't like the gift you have to "act" all surpirsed and happy about it... cause i mean really whos going to say to whomever you got me this WTF.. haha...
I say WTF to my presents all the time. Last year, I got stuff like a candy G-string. I mean, who the hell gets that for their best friend? Ah, they are special. I also got a "grow your own woman" too, that was well fun.
I like birthdays. I dont do the traditional thing I guess. I dont sit around a glowing birthday cake while my family sing to me with cheesy smiles and cameras flashing. L'anée derniere, we all went dancing on a train , followed by invading pizza hut and buying everything on the menu.
Great fun. I dont see whats not to like about em. . .