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Old 12-18-2017, 01:03 PM   #1278 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Step Brothers
Artist: G-Eazy and Carnage
Genre: Hip-Hop
Nationality: American/Guatemalan
Release date: March 31
Position in Discography: First collaboration
Fear Factor: High
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 1.69
First, this was very hard to track down (you would not believe how many artists are called Carnage!) and second, I must relate the comments of one person on RYM: “These songs would be ten times better without G-Eazy on them!” Oh, poor G-Eazy! Doesn't sound like he's appreciated, does it? Never mind: it's only a four-track EP, so let's get to it and see if Anthony_Gaming1 (whose other comment runs: “Best song: “Down For Me”. Worst song: the rest of them!”) was being too harsh, or has hit the nail on the head. Well I like the classical piano that underpins “Guala”, but I really have no idea which one is the Eazy one and which one likes to cause trouble, so don't ask me if our friend Anthony is right or not. Seems a pretty crap song to be honest, very misogynistic, which was always my main problem with hip-hop (though I have to be honest: most of what I've heard in this thread hasn't been like that; some has, but by no means is this attitude in the majority). I swear, if he says “Guala guala” one more time...

Yeah, this isn't much to talk about. Even with only four tracks I'm ready to bail. Let's see if it gets any better. All right, well “Buddha” has some interest about it and a nice atmosphere. Now we come to the one the venerated Anthony_Gaming1 rates as the best (only) good song on this short EP. Is it? Yeah, it kinda is, though that's not saying a lot really. Pathetically low RYM rating very much deserved, possibly over-generous actually.

Check out more from this artist? Nope
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Aye

Expectation Index: 0
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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