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Old 12-17-2017, 01:07 PM   #1256 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Triplicate
Artist: Bob Dylan
Genre: Pop
Nationality: American
Release date: March 31
Position in Discography: Thirty-eighth
Fear Factor: Low
Familiar with this artist? Oh, let me see now: think I may have heard of him!
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.83
Dammit! Why didn't I make a rule saying no cover albums? Well, I didn't, and anyway I've already done at least one, so there's no getting away from this. Not that I have any problem with Dylan, but a ****ing TRIPLE album of covers, most of which I don't even know? Sigh. Gonna be a long hard slog, this. I must admit, it's a little boring on first listen. I mean, essentially this is Dylan wanking off to the artists that he loves, means nothing to me and is well before my time, so rather like Stewart's Great American Songbook series, something of a massive case of self-indulgence, and I don't think it's very fair to spread that over thirty tracks. But here we are. It's unlikely I'll be writing much about this – I really don't care what songs inspired Bob Dylan – and will only pipe up if there's anything I know, if even then. Mostly I'm just letting it play and waiting to get through it in the background. Call that sacrilege if you will, I don't care.

Hmm. Interesting to see that it gets a relatively low score on RYM. Not that surprising though: this is more boring than listening to a Mark Knopfler solo album. Oh, I know “The Very Thought of You”. I don't, however, care. Not even a third of the way through. Dare I bail on Bob? I have to say, “Braggin'” has almost done me in, but I see “As Time Goes By” is up next, so **** it, let's see what he does with that. I honestly doubt I'm gonna make it through this entire thing though. It's soul destroying. It's like listening to Sinatra or something, not that there's anything wrong with that, but if I want to listen to Sinatra I'll put on one of his albums. This is just not quite torture but boredom with a capital bore. Think I'm done here. Sorry Dylan purists, but I cannae take this no more. Lasted as long as I could.

Check out more from this artist? At some point I probably will
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Who knows? But not of choice.

Expectation Index: 10
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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