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Old 12-15-2017, 09:09 AM   #1228 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Time once again to take a step off the beaten path and retrace my steps back to the previous month, as some of you choose albums for me to listen to from February which are

Album title: What Kind of Dystopian Hellhole is This?
Artist: The Underground Youth
Suggested by: Gigantic Debaser
Genre: Post-punk/Shoegaze/Psych Rock
Nationality: English
Release date: February 15
Position in Discography: Eighth
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.28
Interesting title; sounds a little Velvet Underground-y when it opens, slow, melancholy kind of song then the next one is more uptempo, though still with a sad, morose kind of vocal. I would have to say that generally speaking, my overall reaction is boredom. It's very low-key (yes I know there's shoegaze in there but still), the production on the vocals seems to be very hollow, and it really just hasn't grabbed me in any way so far (now on track six of ten), though there's some vocal relief when a female voice with some personality takes things for “Persistent Stable Hell”, which is actually a good song. Then moany arse is back for the next one, and I lose interest again. And now there's only one track to go. Actually this isn't bad, but it's in spite of, not due to, his droning, boring singing. And the last track is great, with a very Nick Cave piano feel, not to mention the singer speaks the lines instead of singing them, which makes it so much more listenable.

Check out more from this artist? Unlikely
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Guess

Expectation Index: 0
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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