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Old 12-14-2017, 10:36 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Rock 'n' Roll Resting Places

Where do our musical heroes go when they’ve played their final gig? I’m curious to see what their last resting places are like.

> To what extent is their fame or profession in evidence at their graves?
> Are they often visited and covered with tributes, or are they lost “in gardens long-since overgrown” ?
> Would the artists themselves approve?

If you like a musician who is no longer alive, perhaps you’d like to share a pic of his/her gravesite and tell us how you feel about it.
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Anyone familiar with Nick Drake’s life or music will probably consider his grave appropriate: unassuming, in a quiet rural churchyard and part of a plot designated as the Drake Family Grave. In addition to the basic name and dates on the front, the back of his headstone is inscribed with one ND quote in a simple script.


If it looks only modestly attended, it could be because there is sign nearby asking people to respect his family’s wishes and only leave small floral tributes or messages.
And to answer my own questions, yes, I think ND would be content with this memorial - I can even imagine him sitting, back against the tree, humming that song that starts with him humming...
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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