Originally Posted by Nate Perry
I listen to music in general for good lyrics and good instrumentation. Taylor Swift, for example, was already lacking in songwriting skills before going pop while doing country music, hence I would say she needs to improve both in lyrics and instrumentation if that´s the case. If you´re gonna spend time on writing the lyrics of a song which belongs to the pop, rock, blues, folk, etc, genre I will give my thoughts on those lyrics because they exist.
On the other hand, I would not say negative things about repetitive phrases on say, a Kraftwerk song because I know why the phrase/lyrics are in constant repetition.
It's pop, you twit. If you want to listen to pop but refuse to ignore the irrelevant lyrics then that shows a lack of versatility on your part. Certain qualities in music simply are not necessarily relevant to certain genres that are relevant to other genres, and if you can't recognize that and adapt then you probably just shouldn't be listening to that genre unless you train your ears to adapt.