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Old 12-12-2017, 05:25 AM   #7033 (permalink)
ask me about cosmology
Mindy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
Posts: 9,073

1. A time or place when you were most happy in your life?
Maybe right when I moved out to the east coast, sad at the same time because I was leaving my brother and rest of my family. Age 12, I missed a life event that would have been nice but around this time was nice. Moved to a town like in Gilmore Girls.

2. What was the strangest/best/worst party you ever went to?

Prolly a party I had with some people I know

3. What band or artist have you not yet seen, that you would like to?
Arcade Fire,Portugal. The Man would be interesting to see. Others too.

4. If you had to choose, friends or family?
Even though I barely talk with my family now, but im still picking them because its only because they dont know how to use todays technology to communicate. Or they just dont want to talk with me.

5. Would you prefer to be on the beach or in a park?
Park with shade from a tree, with a table for a laptop. The beach is nice if your swimming but just sitting there cooking in the sun, idk. Maybe a vollyball game is cool because youre then doing something.

6. When you were growing up, what was the principal form of heating in your house?
Mostly central heating, then when I moved we only had a small house with a firestove lol For a couple years it was only wood in the stove heating the two rooms.Then central heating when the new house was finished.
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