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Old 12-09-2017, 02:34 AM   #167 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
Am I they only one here that things a pure form of any governmental philosophy is flawed and will inevitably fail, but Frankensteining a government that takes pieces from each would work much better?
Currently, that's what's happening all over the world - the Chinese figured out how to combine the American system with communism and they're currently executing that vision to great success. It's pretty insane how seriously the Chinese government takes business and how organized they are - they've built entire cities that are practically empty in planning for the future. I think the US would be smart to begin socializing more of these public services like they do in Europe and maybe even consider planning the future the way that China does, or else we're going to continue to fall behind just for a the few billionaires who are having a great time with this system.
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