no this is bordem at its best... threads like this one normaly pop up just when there's nothing to do.. so it takes one second to read it and post..
i think if two stars were seeing each other on a date... they would "act" they would try to "act" like normal people as much as they possibly could. they would try talking about normal stuff, and i'm sure one of them saying "hey what about having a bite to eat and watching movie sound?" but then won't cause there both big stars and that wouldn't be star like.. i'm sure they would talk about how annoying the media is that is following them around on there date.. and how being a star is overrated and life might be filled with lots of money but its really not that great.. they'd laugh about it and think they clicked and before the night gets uncomfortable they would go there own ways.. and plan for a second date.. 5 months later they'd be married