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Old 12-04-2017, 12:03 PM   #35760 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
I learned my lesson man. Miles 1-6 were great. i passed the pace team and maintained a great mental attitude. 7-13 i slowed a little but was starting to see myself crossing the finish. 19 i had to stop and use the rest room, this is when i started to realize that my lungs actually hurt. I also completely freaked out on this spectator who was in line to use the "runners" portable....starting the run again was one of the hardest things i have ever done. At mile 20 it became completely lungs were burning and my feet felt like they were on fire and my legs had given up and were numb. I literally ran the last 6 miles thinking 1 mile at a time. The last 3 miles were the worst....i think knowing where i was made it worst, but i have to say when passing some spots we hung out at i thought of you man . The last 1/2 mile i killed it and finished strong and without vomiting. I went directly to the beer tent!
That was a good day. You see any loud female donkeys looking for two guys to do most of the peddling on those mobile drinking carts?

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