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Old 12-03-2017, 06:22 PM   #4058 (permalink)
Jacob Sartorius
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Sorry didn't see your post, MicShaz.
It was hell. I had no energy to do anything, and Karen of course was getting more and more stressed. I had no idea what to do, and even my other sister, who's always my support, was unavailable, as our brother-in-law is near death (not her husband) and so I couldn't bother her. So I was completely alone. Someone who really, really helped was one of Karen's carers, she was great, really supportive. Can't thank her enough. I could feel my world disappearing that night and I said to myself, here I go: I'm going to collapse. And the thing is, if I did, who could call an ambulance? Karen couldn't. And what would happen when the carers came in the morning? The door would be locked. I had visions of the police breaking down the door to get to her, and she'd have to be taken into some emergency respite centre. I even, honestly, thought I might die. That was, of course, seriously scary.

Luckily it all worked out, but the hospital trip nearly did me in totally. I couldn't believe we had to go in. If I could have paid someone to go in my place I really think I would have done. Luckily for once it wasn't overflowing busy and I was able to get a chair, because if I'd had to stand beside Karen's trolley all night I think I would have just fainted. Even so, it was tough, and the night was very cold. I think it's fair to say that over the last week I came just about the closest I have ever done to having a total nervous, mental and physical breakdown. Never ever want to have to experience that again.
Dang man. I'm sorry.
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