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Old 12-03-2017, 05:51 PM   #4054 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Qwertyy View Post
glad to hear you're okay TH.

i've been using Ensure on and off again for a few years as i've always struggled with having a very fast metabolism. it definitely makes things easier especially if you don't have the time or the appetite to sit down to a full meal.
I honestly could not believe it. I had no energy. I drank one (disgusting raspberry flavour, like drinking sugar through a straw) and three hours later tried, with effort, to get up out of the chair to sort Karen for bed. Lasted three seconds, back in the chair. A few moments later I'm on my feet for twenty minutes without even having to sit down once. RAN up and down the stairs three times (previously I could only haul myself up them slowly), felt no need (as I had done for the previous few days) to collapse on my bed, just felt totally energised. Hoped it wasn't a temporary thing and would be gone in the morning, but it wasn't. Just to be sure, I took another drink this morning and today did the grocery shopping (four days late), cleaned out the cats' litter trays, and was able to have my first proper cooked meal in what seems like a week, and almost is. Feel so much better. Thank god for Ensure, is all I can say. I'd have been in hospital without them. (Note: banana flavour much nicer, as I discovered this morning).
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Glad you're feeling better. BTW that one ****ty post I made to you I was way too trashed to even realize what you were talking about and so it was basically just nonsense, but I'm glad you're feeling better and ****.
It's all good, man. You're still a ****.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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