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Old 11-30-2017, 03:25 AM   #213 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xurtio View Post
it's more complicated than you think (sexual dimorphism, I mean). We all start as females in the womb, right? there's a set of molecules called androgens that act on specific pathways of expression and cause particular morpholigical changes which are obvious for us to observe (gonadal sex). But it's not always the case the genetic sex is the same as gonadal sex (sometimes the androgen program fails completely and a genetic male stays gonadally female).

but.. gonads are directly observable. changes in immune system, circulatory system, and brain chemistry are not, and androgen expression works to different degrees in different pathways in different people.

Where do you define 100% male? They must be a vanishingly small set (statistically) of perfect androgen expression. it's with low probability any particular male in a given room is such.
And to think that I found it plentifully impossible to talk about already. I'm no stranger to gender identity/sexuality debates (as a viewer/reader - not participant), so the last thing I need is more complexity. The easy way out it to stay far, far away from this hot potato.

In reality, I don't actually have to take a stance on things like the silly original question of this thread. If a gorgeous trans woman asked me on a date, I'd have to figure out what this all means, I guess.
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