Originally Posted by uncle salty
Ah, guys like Batlord don't bother me. It's hard for me to take someone like that seriously.
I mean, he wrote 'I'm not a racist, I have a black friend', and he has an Adolf Hitler avatar.
That's how woke he is.
No. No. No. No no no. "I'm not a racist..." was in quotation marks because I was mocking
you. And anyone who can't appreciate a good Hitler avatar doesn't deserve a gay son.
Originally Posted by Ziggy ''Frappanised'' Zappada
Edit: wait, I hope we're not using the term 'woke' unironically now...
Oh dear god no.
Originally Posted by uncle salty
No, I fully understand the point he was trying to make.
But, same as me, it's an opinion and he's entitled to it.
I am a bit baffled by the whole 'woke' thing. Is it a cooler way to say you're aware? Because it just sounds illiterate.
Really? Cause I'm pretty sure I was just having fun being a drunk dickhead.