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Old 11-28-2017, 03:49 PM   #20589 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I actually watched Alice in Wonderland to start last night off. Loved the weirdness and Alice's adventurousness, but I mean the movie has no plot or character arc so it's kind of hard to watch as anything but a visual spectacle, but dear god I want to smoke some serious weed and watch that movie.
As far as I remember, it was mainly the visuals and the fun, snappy dialogue that I loved about Alice in Wonderland, plus some of the songs are good. I just found the movie strangely mesmerizing to watch.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
And with whatever I said about Sleeping Beauty, there are very, very few Disney movies I'd ever say you could miss, and basically none I'd say you shouldn't watch. And Sleeping Beauty is in the low part of those movies you definitely should watch. I guess it's just cause you're European that you've never seen it, cause it's honestly weird to me that you haven't seen it, but the villain is one of the best in all of cinema and you should absolutely watch it if only for her. And even otherwise it's a fascinating visual movie. But otherwise it is just kind of another Disney movie, but even that is a recomendation, cause... ****ing Disney.
Disney movies are huge over here too, but I've never gone out of my way to watch those from before my time. I'm most familiar with the 90's output, and maybe late 80's. It's pretty spotty what I have and haven't watched from before then.

The Lion King, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Mulan... those are the ones I'm sure that I've watched multiple times.
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