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Thread: Welp, here I go
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Old 11-26-2017, 05:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GunmouthGrace View Post
Thanks - I'll have to give that a listen right now. What would you recommend to help me get more into Baez and Mitchell? I'd never really given them much attention... then Joan blows me away in the 1970 Woodstock documentary with her gorgeous voice.
I haven't been listening to either for more than a year, so I'm still exploring their music, but there's definitely a few albums that have struck me as the strongest material I've heard from them.


Her debut album Clouds is gorgeous. My personal favorite album of hers so far. The opening track is just... it gives me goosebumps.
Court and Spark is another album I really enjoyed. It's quite stylisticall different from much of what I've heard from her. There's some interesting detours on that album and it just sounds so good.
I'd recommend waiting with her 90's and 2000's output intil you've heard the must-hear albums. Her weakest material is to be found there, although I'm hoping a few of those albums will give me a positive surprise when I get around to them.


Vol. 5 is a really interesting one. It was my first Baez album and it surprised me quite a bit. It's mostly folk, but then suddenly it goes all operatic in one song.
Diamonds & Rust is a great song and a great album. I haven't heard any Baez albums newer than that one. It will be interesting to see where her music goes after that point (1975).
Vol. 2 and Farewell Angelina are really good, straight folk albums.
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