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Old 11-26-2017, 01:41 PM   #1149 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post

Feeling A Little Down At The Moment

To say the least.

I don't know if anyone has noticed it in my last few reviews, but I just can't muster the enthusiasm for this at the moment. It's nothing to do with this thread; I haven't wanted really to do anything. I'm just really really depressed and disheartened in general. I'm not chucking this thread, by any means, but for the last few days I've found myself getting more and more depressed. So I'm taking a few days off, or maybe a week, just from this thread and anything that requires effort or dedication. I'll still be around, but don't expect to see any reviews here for a little while. Hopefully this will pass and I'll be back at it soon, but for now I don't want to write when I have no interest in doing so.
Based on my own experiences with depression, it really is best to just shut this thread off for a while. You need to put your head in some different spaces and remove all unecessary pressure. I personally find that just having some good food, some good movies... Make sure to get enough sleep. That's about all you can do when your brain chemistry doesn't cooperate.

Depression is a bitch.
I wish you well
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