Originally Posted by The Batlord
God damn quit whining like a ****ing bitch. You took this on all by yourself, loser. This is all your ****.
Read the post again, Adolf. I didn't say this thread had caused my depression or that it was too much. I said I'm depressed generally, nothing to do with workload or any ****, and while I am, there's no point in me going through the motions. So I'm suspending this till I feel better. The one is not a cause of the other, but thanks for your sympathy anyway.
This thread is not getting on top of me. The world is getting on top of me. I'm not writing my novel either while this persists. I'm doing very little except staring blankly at the TV and carrying out my duties as carer to my sister, and spending a fair deal of time staring into space with a keyboard on my lap but my fingers nowhere near it. I'm just ****ing depressed, okay? I'm not saying I've had enough of this thread, but if I were still doing my journals I'd be suspending them temporarily too, because I don't like to work on autopilot or force myself to review when I have no interest not only in that, but in anything. So kindly take your "you started this" bull**** and stick it in my location. You're no help, not that I expected you to be.