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Old 11-21-2017, 08:19 AM   #1091 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Climate Change
Artist: Pitbull
Genre: Hip-hop/Hip House/Trap
Nationality: American
Release date: March 17
Position in Discography: Tenth
Fear Factor: High
Familiar with this artist? No. Heard of him.
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 1.66 (I think this is the lowest RYM rating so far!)
Well the first track is basically a retread of Pat Benatar's “Love is a Battlefield”, so not too impressed with that. After that it takes off with “Bad Man”, which rips along and it's pretty okay. Then he takes REO Speedwagon's “Take it on the Run” and turns it into “Messin' Around”. In fairness, he does a better job with this than he did on the opener. I have to say, this isn't bad; it's almost more funk or soul than hip-hop, he says with undeserved confidence as if he knows. But it's good so far. Now it's the Stones' “Free” that gets the Pitbull treatment. There are a few too many guests, some of whom work (or at least, register their presence) such as R Kelly and Leona Lewis, though neither really add anything to the album, and some of whom are completely faceless, such as Enrique Iglesias and Jennifer Lopez. Overall not a bad album, but as I've said before, if you need to have so many others supporting you, can you really call it your music?

Check out more from this artist? Probably not
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

Expectation Index: 4
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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