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Old 11-16-2017, 11:22 AM   #20501 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Might actually be both my fav horror and sci-fi movie. And Jesus Christ everyone talks about the Xenomorph, but how ****ing cool, nightmarish, and ****ing real does the facehugger look? Doesn't even look like a horror movie monster, and it isn't even something that goes RARGH DIE!!! The scene in the medbay when this hate**** lifeform is just lying on the peacefully unconscious dude's face without moving is like a dark mirror version of Star Trek and it's amazing. I'm glad HR Giger never did any more horror movie designs (that I know of) or else it might have become old hat rather than being the greatest anomaly in horror monster design.
The face hugger is a great design. I watched Alien at way too young an age (8-9 years. Very permissive parents.), and that creepy little bastard had quite an effect on my young mind. It seemed so otherworldly, so fascinating, scary and lifelike. I think the way it doesn't just lob your head off, but insead sends you into a peaceful coma while pretty much impregnating you... it's all very Freudian and ****ed up. The grown aliens are more like aggressive tigers or something. Scary - but the facehugger has more dimensions to it.

And yeah, I agree that it's probably for the best that it didn't become all trendy to have H.R. Giger monster designs - even though one has to imagine he must have turned down a request or two.
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