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Old 11-16-2017, 03:58 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Qwertyy View Post
lol, no you don't. try coming to canada, east coast canada in particular.
And Denmark too, I'm pretty sure. Just a few examples, converted to US dollars: A cinema ticket costs around 16 dollars, 1 litre of milk is at least 1 dollar for the cheap brands, 1 litre of gasoline is usually around 2 dollars or a little less, a new video game will set you back 80 dollars, easily.
Of course, there's the complications that earnings are different relative to living costs, so comparing by price isn't really going to reveal the relative expensiveness of living in one country over the other.

I'm not sure there's anything I hate in particular about where I live, but I'll try:

1) It seems there's almost always someone fixing their house or doing work on water lines under the road or whatever, so much of the year, there's constant construction noise. This summer, it seemed the whole city was being dug up.
2) I live close enough to the West outskirts of the city that sometimes in summer, you can smell the farmers spraying liquid manure on their fields. Only if the winds fall in a certain way though.
3) My neighbors aren't noisy very often, but when they play loud music, they play loud terrible music.

None of those are really anything worth complaining about... I guess this place is allright.

Last edited by MicShazam; 11-16-2017 at 04:05 AM.
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