Album title: Captain California
Artist: Murs
Genre: Hip-Hop
Nationality: American
Release date: March 10
Position in Discography: Tenth
Fear Factor: High
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.69
Is it possible, then, after being so unexpectedly impressed by Mod Sun, this could continue that trend? I don't hold out massive hopes, to be honest, but I'll give it a shot. Oooh ****! Starts off great, love this opening track. Oh man this is just excellent stuff. “God Bless Kanye West” is a super little track, love the melody that runs through the chorus. “Colossus” is an angry one-two, “Xmas and Thanksgiving” has its own power, “Summer” is full of restrained threat while “1000 Suns” is just a fun song. Really great album. Two for two, I'm impressed.
Check out more from this artist? Oh yeah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 9