Album title: Millport
Artist: Greg Graffin
Genre: Country
Nationality: American
Release date: March 10
Position in Discography: Third
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A little
Average RYM Score: 3.04
Interesting. A punk rocker gone country. Singer with Bad Religion, Graffin went solo in 1997 and this is his third album. Um, okay, how do I say this without giving offence? This is, what's the phrase? Oh yeah: ****ing brilliant! I'm totally into this from the first note: hard-edged country with a real feel of honesty. Just listen to “Lincoln's Funeral Train”. Unbelievable. I can't believe this guy was a punk: he sounds like he was brought up on a ranch riding a horse and shootin' beer cans in the yard. Title track's another great song, but then I think I could say that about every track here so far. There's gospel then in “Time of Need”, utilising the old “Amen” refrain. Su-****ing-perb. Lots of bluegrass too. Just an excellent album, and it will take quite something to top this on my list at the end of this month.
Check out more from this artist? Oh hell yeah
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 10