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Old 11-11-2017, 03:19 PM   #6974 (permalink)
I sleep in your hat
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Melbourne, Vic. Aus.
Posts: 1,848

1. What was your very first car or motorbike?

I had a white 1972 Torana that I picked up for $600. It was a piece of junk but it got me around for a couple of years.

2. What's your all-time favourite video or computer game?

Oddworld is probably my favourite game series but Minecraft is what I spent the most time playing.

3. Name one country you really hate (and if you like, say why)

Don't really feel that strongly against any country. Maybe USA for electing an absolute cretin.

4. What was/is your worst subject at school/college?

Probably Chemistry. Too much memory work.

5. Do you think DST is a good thing, or a bad thing?

I don't see the point. Kind of annoying really.

6. What's your main medium for watching TV programmes/films etc?

Mainly streaming Netflix and Stan. I rarely watch free to air any more and Foxtel sucks balls.
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