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Old 11-11-2017, 02:48 PM   #6971 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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1. What was your very first car or motorbike?

Never had either.

2. What's your all-time favourite video or computer game?

The only two I ever got deep into were Doom and Doom II, and this mad space exploration **** called Starflight II. The graphics were awful but the gameplay was amazing. I used to rush home from work just to play it.

3. Name one country you really hate (and if you like, say why)

Okay, maybe I could have worded this better. Obviously nobody hates the actual land, it's the people, the culture, or what it stands for. So mine is.....

Why? Because that's where ISIS have made their base and I hate nothing on this Earth more than those ****s. Also, it's been bombed to **** and is hardly a country anymore. Oh, and Yemen. And Iraq. And Saudi Arabia. In fact, the whole ****ing Middle East can suck my dick, which will make all those intolerant homophobes gay. Just what they deserve.

4. What was/is your worst subject at school/college?

Maths and Irish, though few people were good at the latter. I hated maths though, still do.

5. Do you think DST is a good thing, or a bad thing?

It's annoying because suddenly the nights are darker in winter, and you have to remember to put your clock forward/back. Also, **** farmers, just on general principles.

6. What's your main medium for watching TV programmes/films etc?

Still my TV, with an Amazon Fire Stick attached now to allow me access Netflix and Plex.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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