Album title: รท
Artist: Ed Sheeran
Genre: Pop
Nationality: English
Release date: March 3
Position in Discography: Third
Fear Factor: Critical
Familiar with this artist? Only by reputation
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A little
Average RYM Score: 1.73
What is it with Ed Sheeran? Can he not think of proper album titles or something? Plus? Multiply? Now we have Divide: though of course he only uses the symbols, not the words. Well there's just Minus left, Ed my man! What then? Square Root? Greater Than? Fraction? Yeah, Sheeran is one of those artists that inspired my latest, probably soon to be ignored and die thread about artists you're “supposed” to hate, and I admit I know none of his music, but the attitude of his fans, who can't even say WHY they like his music, coupled with his gormless grin while attempting to cover “Run to the Hills” on acoustic guitar, make me hate him instantly. Is that hatred justified? Let's find out.
Oh dear god! Is he rapping? Nah, must be a guest ... no. Don't see one. Seems to be him. Dear lord that's embarrassing. Once we get past the red face though the next track is all right, nice bit of power and energy to it, bluesy ballad which is also ok, but then we're back to embarrassing with pseudo-Caribbean beats on “Shape of You” which definitely has TMI in the lyric. Yuck! It does recover then for “Perfect”, which is a great little song, then “Galway Girl” is thankfully not a cover of the Steve Earle song, but he tries to Irish it up with fiddles and bodhrans and whatever. Fails though, and it's an awful song. Just awful.
I don't know: I wanted to hate him, and I certainly don't love him, but he has a few good songs on this. It's probably when he tries so hard to be relevant and dope, or whatever the kids call it these days, that he fails pretty miserably and just looks stupid. Also, have I mentioned that he should really try giving his albums proper titles?
Check out more from this artist? I'd be in no hurry to
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 3