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Old 11-07-2017, 06:27 AM   #7 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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I'm not for a moment challenging the premise of the thread - if Ped and others feel this way, that's fine - but personally I can't imagine why someone would "get out of" a band or artist they liked when younger. All of the artists I enjoyed when I was, say, 15, though I may not listen to them as much now as I did then, I still enjoy. Maybe it's because I listened to music I actually liked, rather than what was cool or on the radio, and there was no clique telling me what I should listen to. Or maybe it was because I wasn't ever really musical - as in, able to play a musical instrument properly - so I couldn't see flaws in the music. I don't know. All I know is, I can't point to any artist I used to listen to and slag them off now, or myself, saying "How did I ever listen to that?"

If anything, there are bands and artists I used to avoid listening to, out of pure ignorance, or lumping all bands of one genre together (Fiction Factory and Depeche Mode, as one of my workmates once put it succinctly, as "Puff Bands") that I have started giving time to as I get older, and find, in the main, they have a lot to offer.

Just my three-fiddy, for what it's worth.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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