11-04-2017, 01:31 PM
#834 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart
Album title: Gang Signs and Prayer
Artist: Stormzy
Genre: Hip-hop/Grime/R&B
Nationality: English
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Debut
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.01
Well, here it is then: the one Monkey has been waiting for me to review. Hope it turns out to have been worth the wait. Well I like the atmosphere on the opening track anyway (storms, y'see?) and the keyboard is cool, very almost Mike Oldfield on Tubular Bells, or as you might know it, the theme from The Exorcist. Second track is more frenetic, but still really good. I like how he uses the music as a backdrop and not just background for his voice, which is pretty damn good. Seems like, unlike other rappers (at least as far as I know) he uses a full orchestra here rather than just synthesisers, and damn but it shows. There's a real lush feel to the music, a sense of depth and drama. “Blinded by Your Grace, Pt 1” (not sure why an archbishop would want to take anyone's sight, but there you go) has a very gospel/soul thing going on, cool organ or electric piano leading the line, and a nice soft vocal from Stormzy, then “Big For Your Boots” sounds a bit humorous, and I like it.
There's some really smooth stuff here, some frenetic stuff, some angry stuff and some stuff that seems not to take itself too seriously, which is refreshing. A nice mix, and it certainly keeps you interested. “21 Gun Salute” is an introspective little brooder, which brings us to “Blinded by Your Grace, Pt 2” and it's a nice development from the first part, more rocky with a touch of gospel. Like this very much indeed. “Don't Cry for Me” is a good song too. Next track is just a phone call though. I've seen this happen a few times, I suppose it's a hip-hop thing, but I don't like it. Lazy. Still, it's really the only low point on the album so I won't go on about it. And it's followed by the cool “Shut Up”, finishing with “Lay Me Bare”, a great closer, bringing us back to the brooding nature of the opener.
Check out more from this artist? Yup
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Uh-huh
Expectation Index: 10
Good review.
I am surprised you liked Shut Up. Though it is a really unique sounding instrumental imo, one of the all time classics for me. Glad you liked it on the whole, this album was not for me because I was expecting Grime when it came out and there wasn't really much on it so I was left feeling a bit disappointed.
Nice to see you warming to Hip-Hop and giving stuff like this a chance imo.
Big For Your Boots is quality as well I really rate that one. And yeah the phone call was pointless.