Album title: Seis peniques
Artist: Sofia Ellar
Genre: Pop
Nationality: English
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Debut
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A little
Average RYM Score: N/A
Oh come on! Does that title really mean “six penises”???

Surely not. Nah; “six pennies”. Ah well. I think my interpretation is funnier. Debut from what sounds like the English answer to Lana del Rey. Um. Singing Spanish. Kind of. Nice use of the violin. So far, nothing terribly special to be honest though.”G&T's” is a nice ballad, but not much more than that. One of three songs sung in English, “Fire of Fame” is a little better, but overall this is just so bland. There's no personality or identity here, despite these songs (which at least she wrote herself) being apparently about her experiences. Meh.
All right: “Hace Dos Perdices” is not without its charm. Is this album going to make an effort for the final stretch? Well, “Mad Man” tries, and to be fair it's pretty good. I was just about to bail, but I'll hang in there for now. Has to be said that the English songs generally are a lot better than the Spanish ones, and that's not just due to the language thing. I just can't get into the Spanish ones; they seem to have, as already mentioned, no personality. It's like she's trying harder when she sings or writes in English. Still not totally great though, but certainly better. It does end strongly, in fairness.
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Expectation Index: 0