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Old 11-03-2017, 06:46 PM   #822 (permalink)
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Album title: Inception
Artist: Sanctuary
Genre: Power Metal/Thrash Metal
Nationality: American
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Fourth
Fear Factor: Low
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Yes
Average RYM Score: 3.64
This is, apparently, a bunch of unused songs from 1986 or prior, and man does it sound like it! Production is awful, the riffs and rhythms are right out of Maiden's second album, and basically it just sounds so dated. Plus I was convinced the singer was a woman – it ain't. This is pretty poor now to be honest. Oh dear Dio! Now they're covering Jefferson Airplane's “White Rabbit”. Help me. All I can say about this album is that these recordings, obviously considered not good enough for their debut album, are still not good enough and I have no idea why Sanctuary thought it was a good idea to inflict them on the twenty-first century, but they stand very much as anachronisms and show how out of touch this band is. When was their last actual album? 2014. Hmm. But prior to that, 1990 and before that 1986, which I think shows they hardly have their finger on the heavy metal pulse. Hell, they'd be hard pressed to find it! Disappointing and dull, an album very much out of time and causing me to run out of patience.

Okay, the last three are not terrible, though “I Am Insane” sounds very like “Two Minutes to Midnight.” Spookily so. Probably the most/only interesting thing about this collection of rejects that should have been left on the cutting room floor, where they belong.
Check out more from this artist? Probably not
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes, always

Expectation Index: 9
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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