Album title: Five
Artist: Prince Royce
Genre: Bachata/Pop/R&B
Nationality: American
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Ffith
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.00
Hey, wonder if he has a brother called Rolls? No? Suit yourself then. Hold on: bacha-what? What even is that? Oh. I see. Some sort of depressive bitter Latin music. Nice. So this has songs in English and in Spanish, and features the likes of Shakira, Chris Brown and a whole lot of people I don't know, but you might. Latin influence is evident right from the start, though I don't detect any bitterness, at least not yet. Quite uptempo and happy, but also pretty bland and boring. Oh and how inventive: let's have some reggae beats too, cos no other pop artist does that.

To be totally fair, this is probably the most interesting track - “Ganas Locas” - which is not saying much though. Shakira's up next, so hopefully that one will be better. Hips don't lie, y'know? Yeah, the girl bosses this track totally.
And back to bored I go. He's even singing in English now, and I could not care less. The most appropriate lyric here is in “Amor Prohibido” when he sings “Ay yi yi!” My thoughts exactly. Must be honest though: this bachata stuff? Ain't heard anything here that I would consider in the least bitter, unless you include having to go through this to the bitter end. Pretty vacuous, empty pop pap really. I wouldn't even call it r&b; just pure pop, and not very good pop at that. Thank Jaysus! We're on the last one. Man that was terrible. No, not even terrible. If it was terrible it would at least have made some impression on me, whereas this just felt like, I don't know, turning around when you think you hear someone calling your name but there's nobody there. Shrug, with a capital S.
Edit: actually, the last track is great, but only because it reminds me so much of “Cuba” by The Gibson Brothers. Sigh.
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Expectation Index: 0