Originally Posted by Qwertyy
tfw 2 months in your 2nd year of uni you realize that you've once again chosen a program that you have absolutely no interest in and can now feel yourself starting the downward spiral.
Bro what the **** do you like to do? And let's not pretend it's music or else you'd have an instrument in your hands. And you don't program so it's probably not video games. Is it possible that whatever you're destined to do has **** all to do with what makes you feel alive and you're just destined to be another middle class **** doing middle class things for middle class money marrying a middle class bitch and having middle class kids?\
Cause that is perfectly ****ing okay. No one ever said you had to tear the world apart with your passion. Just make your money and enjoy the life it gives you even if you don't give a **** about the life it leads you. Financial security is ****ing sexy. At least it's ****ing desirable to many sexy bitches.
And no matter what the **** you do you will be a middle class mother****er. And that's word. So just be middle class and stop worrying about being something else.