Album title: Nessun posto รจ casa mia
Artist: Chiara
Genre: Pop
Nationality: Italian
Release date: February 24
Position in Discography: Third
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Yes
Average RYM Score: 2.50
Talk about being hard to track down! I eventually found evidence of this, Chiara Galiazzo's third album, on RYM, but no idea as to its genre. It sounds like pop or adult contemporary, I guess. Pretty good voice, certainly, and the music seems ok too. I would say it's a competent pop album, though nothing in particular jumps out at me as being special or noteworthy. By the same token, there's nothing here that I hate or even dislike. The ballads are nice, if a little cliche, and I see now that she must be involved with that bane of my life, The X Factor, as she appears on two compilation albums dedicated to that show. I suppose I can't hold that against her. Yep: won the sixth season of the Italian version. Decent album. Not a lot more than that really.
Check out more from this artist? No
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 0