Album title: Rap Album Two
Artist: Jonwayne
Genre: Hip-Hop
Nationality: American
Release date: February 17
Position in Discography: Fifth
Fear Factor: High
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.36
Got to be honest: someone who couldn't be bothered to think of a proper title for his albums doesn't inspire confidence, but we'll see. Okay this is another surprise. This is really good. The second track, where someone accuses him of not being a rapper and he absolutely kills it, and the guy is like “Holy **** man!” and “The Single” with its multiple false starts, damn hilarious. “City Lights” has a great atmosphere about it, as does “Ahead of Us”. Great album, another big surprise. Loved this.
Check out more from this artist? Yes
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 10