Album title: Life Will See You Now
Artist: Jens Lenkman
Genre: Indie Pop
Nationality: Swedish
Release date: February 17
Position in Discography: Fourth
Fear Factor: Low
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Average RYM Score: 3.31
Bright and breezy is how I'd describe the start of this album, very upbeat and happy. Unfortunately, this is how it stays and the word “safe” could not apply more literally to this music. It's the very lightest, no-brain pop I have ever heard. I can almost taste the sugar rotting my teeth as I listen. Probably should come with a government health warning. If you're expecting dark, mature, dangerous or anything deep, look very much elsewhere. It's almost as if Paul Simon and James Taylor had a child, but nowhere near as good as that union might have theoretically turned out to be.
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Expectation Index: 9