Originally Posted by The Batlord
Been watching some good new horror movies, but need some good cosmic horror from any time period. You know, that Lovecraftian sort of horror that isn't so much sci fi but kind of is sci fi just cause it's about how the universe is out to get you, not so much cause it's out to get you but because it's so overwhelming that it can't help but be out to get you cause you're so insignificant? Or anything along those lines that makes you feel like you don't matter in the face of the overwhelming evil on display. You can interpret that liberally since I imagine the concept isn't really explored that much and I just want whatever I can get. Basically if the horror isn't really so much out to get you as you're just in its way I'll be happy.
But god damn when with Guillermo Del Toro make that At the Mountains of Madness movie already?
in terms of any of that these might be a bunch of shots in the dark but here are some sick movies regardless that may or may not be applicable
you should watch these
The Color Out of Space (2010) - IMDb
Five Million Years to Earth (1967) - IMDb