Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
I don't get what side shes taking up though, like what was she explaining.
oh god thats a good question.. i'm really no good at remembering word for word of what a person says.. maybe it will end up on youtube.com maybe.. anyways i'll try and find it somewhere.
the show was about a black family of three, and a white family of three that were trading places as strange as it sounds. the white family worked with hollywood make up artist to become black and the same with the other family ro become white, then as these families went around acted like the race they were colored to be in make up to do resecrd to see how people treat them differently. there were moments when they were treated better and worse. and sometimes not at all. anyways and in a bit of it the white female while not dressed up was learning how to speak like a black woman, and she went off of her lines and said while laughing just for a joke and to be cute as women do while on camrea so we could all tell how she was being while saying " hey bitch" anyways and the black women took this to be very offensive anyways the black women kept trying to and pointing out everything wrong that the white woman was doing and it kept seeming like she was trying to get the cam to see hey this white woman is racist.. even tho she wasn't and if anyone was really watching without going to watch the show to make sure she is.. you could tell that the white family was not raceist they just have a thing where they tried to fit in.. anyways i'm ranting.. the point in oprah was saying she new and could tell why the black woman got up set as to why the white woman said you bitch joking. but she could also see why the white woman said it was only joking.. like it was clear.. and yes it was dragged out got pointless... and then oprah went in to talk about saying the word nigga saying that the media in movies and music/music videos makes it seem that most and or all black people are ok with them going around and saying sup my niggas stuff like that as if saying sup dude, so why is it such a big deal.. well at least thats what i got from the show.. the media is making it seem like its ok.. so when a white person does it why is the reaction always there raceist when they could really jsut be trying to fit in and be nice.. not everything is racist even if it comes off like that.. i mean if i said sup nigga and said it as if i;d say hi, in a nice clam sweet voice.. would it be so bad.. NO! well it shouldn;t be.. but if i said sup nigga in a low and bitchy sounding type of voice i can see why i would be called a racist which brings me to the typing ends. this woman and that teacher neither of them sounded like they meant it to be racist and or mean.. just trying to fit in be nice.. and normal.