Originally Posted by The Batlord
Did you have a boredom-induced heart attack as a child and now you're too terrified to not have anything to do?
What makes you think I was ever a child?

To be honest, kind of. Surprisingly, I know, hard to believe, but I was socially awkward and had few friends. So I was always involved in projects of my own making. If it wasn't making compilation tapes, it was organising my albums. Later, novels written by hand with hand-drawn maps, then typed up, then I got a computer. Games? Nah. Started writing. Websites followed, then at some point I stumbled over this place and my life just went pretty much downhill from there.
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
a series of novels on your exploration of the hip-hop genre and culture? wow, all i wanted was a thread.
Yes, if by hip-hop you mean fantasy lands and if by culture you mean adventures, exactly that.
Originally Posted by MicShazam
TH has no setting between lazy dad jokes and epic undertakings that will take years to complete.
I wasn't aware there was one.