Album title: The Waiting Game
Artist: Una Healy
Genre: Country/Folk/Pop
Nationality: Irish
Release date: February 10
Position in Discography: Debut
Fear Factor: Cautiously Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not that much
Average RYM Score: 2.60
No I won't give her a free ride just because she happens to be Irish, and indeed the first Irish artist on this list; country and pop often don't go together well as I've said before, and throw folk into the mix, well, you could be asking for disaster. Right: so she's one of the Saturdays. So not exactly new to the biz then. In that case, I'm going to expect big things here. The allowances I would normally make for a debut album are suspended here. This had better be good. Well the first two tracks are good, if slightly Shania-lite. I'm not crazy about the ballad, which is a duet with Sam Palladio, whom I do not know. She has a nice voice, that's for sure, but is there more to her than that? Well, kind of no. I mean, it's an okay record but I'm not that impressed. Sort of dime a dozen when it comes to country/pop, and I don't see too much of the folk to be honest. Yeah, just bog standard pop with the odd country trope thrown in. Pass.
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Expectation Index: 9