Album title: Everyone We Know
Artist: Thundamentals
Genre: Hip-Hop
Nationality: Australian
Release date: February 10
Position in Discography: Fourth
Fear Factor: Very High
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.25
Well, well. I've heard American hip-hop of course, and English, and even Italian, but this is my first encounter with the Australian brand of the genre! Could be interesting, could be excruciating. Sounds like it might be the former. Good music, not exclusively rap, good bit of singing, and generally quite upbeat with not much (if anything) in the way of the f-bomb and other curses and expletives which seem to form the fodder of many a hip-hop artist. “Think About It” is a particularly good track; really more a rock/pop song with some rap thrown in. Nice. Like “Ignorance is Bliss” too. Good stuff this. Yeah but I could do without “Wyle Out Year” (what the **** is that?) but then “Blue Balloons” is great. Yeah, overall pretty ****ing cool. Better than ****ing Kylie and Jason, I mean, Jess and whatsisname? Brett? No, Bruce. No, Matt. That's the one. Go Aussies!
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Expectation Index: 9