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Old 10-16-2017, 09:21 PM   #6815 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 353

1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

A ton of times unfortunately - by there age of 3 I'd had 4 major operations. Since then everything's been mostly fine except for pyelonephritis about 7 times (each one a 2-3 day hospital stay).

2. Do you own or rent your home?

Own. We live in a bogan outer suburb of Adelaide, so houses are comparatively cheap here.

3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?


4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?

I had an ancient brick-sized one in about 1994 - don't remember the model. At the time I was living in a teepee on a cow paddock, and needed to take calls as I was playing gigs in the local towns, but didn't have any electricity. I used to recharge it at my neighbour's house.

5. What sports team(s) do you support?

I was born missing the sports gene, however growing up I used to feign interest in various Aussie rules teams to fit in - I'm not sure if people here know what Australian Rules Football is though?

6. Do you own a gun?

No, illegal here anyway.

7. How many working remote controls are in your house?


8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?

Very well.

9.What was your first job?

Selling programs at a fair.

10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?

I remember digging Othello when I read it, but I can't remember much of it.

11. What's your favourite planet, and why?

Saturn is cool to look at through a telescope, so I'll go with that - Earth I only get to see a tiny piece of at a time.

12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?

I never have, halloween didn't exist here when I was growing up, kids have just started getting into it over the last few years.
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