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Old 10-14-2017, 05:52 AM   #6784 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Aalborg
Posts: 7,634

1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
2. Do you own or rent your home?
Rented apartment. Ridiculously cheap for the size (56sqm)
3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?
No, I'm politically left, but consider all the individual parties we have useless.
I can't fully identify with any single one of them.
4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?
Nokia 3310. I'm currently on my 3rd cell phone across the last 17 years. I don't get new ones until the current one flat out stops working.
5. What sports team(s) do you support?
None, but I'm a fan of several tennis players. I kind of support all of them though. They're all talented so they all deserve the victories they get.
6. Do you own a gun?
No and if I did it would be illegal. Not that I would want to either way.
7. How many working remote controls are in your house?
One for my tv, one for my DVD player. Technically a few more are in a drawer somewhere. One for an old tv, one for a stereo and one for a VHS player. Not using any of them. I even think I've got one for my laptop somewhere, but I'm not sure what it's even for.
8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?
Really well. I visit them at least once a month and we often drink wine over dinner for hours on end. Getting along really well with my younger brother and older sister too.
9.What was your first job?
Paper boy.
10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?
Much Ado About Nothing. Stealing Oriphiel's reply here. I think it must be mine too, since out of all the Shakespeare movie adaptations I've watched, I enjoyed this the most. I've watched a couple good Hamlet movies too.
11. What's your favourite planet, and why?
Earth, since there's interesting things on it. The other one's are just uniform balls of rock or gas.
12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?
Halloween's not really tradition here, but it's been sneaking in over the last decade. I don't do Halloween costumes.
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