1. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
Once when I had a very high fever and once when I overdosed on Xanax and oxys.
2. Do you own or rent your home?
I'm with my parents so neither but I'm trying to rent a place before the year's end.
3. Have you ever been a member of a political party?
Ha! I was initially registered as a part of the Independent party because I thought that meant no affiliation. I found out when election season rolled by. Luckily California has a semi-closed primary system or else I would have had to register as a Democrat to vote for Bernie.
4. What was your first ever mobile/cell phone?
I had a Razr 2 years after they were cool.
5. What sports team(s) do you support?
Ha! None.
6. Do you own a gun?
I have a 22 caliber rifle.
7. How many working remote controls are in your house?
8. How well do/did you get along with your parents?
Mom: Good. We're of a similar personality type so communication is natural.
Dad: Could be better. We're of a similar personality type so we butt heads and I try to avoid him. We're generally courteous with each other like you would be with any other person though.
9.What was your first job?
As a kid I would post an odd jobs flyer in at the grocery store in my small, tightly knit town. People would respond and I'd usually do weed whacking, help around farms, stack wood, put up fencing, anything a 10 year old was capable of. I guess you'd call that temping.
10. What's your favourite Shakespeare play?
11. What's your favourite planet, and why?
Earth because I don't travel much.
12. Do you dress up for Halloween and if so what as?
Yes I dress up as many different things. I've repeated Alex from A Clockwork Orange and Buckethead because they're easy costumes. Last year I was the preacher from Night of the Hunter. I'm not 100% on my costume for this year.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.