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Old 10-13-2017, 10:57 AM   #20345 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
It's pretty funny that our tastes in movies are exact opposites. I do like about half of that list that I shouldnt but ugh Reign of Fire. I went to the theater to see that and felt like asking for my money back. Sucker Punch and Springbreakers I have watched an embarrassing amount of times. From Man of Steel down, I haven't seen or straight up don't like with the exceptions of BvS and The Craft. The Craft is a cult classic.

I disagree with you on the first Silent Hill movie being terrible. The second one, sure I get that. One Shyamalan movie that I have oddly watched so many times is Devil. Everytime I see it randomly playing on a movie channel. I watch it.

What's your beef with Seven?
Not quite exact opposite then, since we do have some common ground after all.

Reign of Fire is a silly movie that takes itself way too seriously, but I feel like it brings its premise to life pretty efficinetly and that the two main characters work well in an over the top sort of way. The worst thing about the movie to me is the incomprehensible airborne action scenes where they try to catch dragons with a net or something.

Devil is one of the two Shyamalan movies I haven't watched, so who knows if I'd like it too. I have my doubts.

Seven is a well made movie I suppose, but it's so balls to the walls determined to be as grim as humanly possible that it shoots well past the sort of thing I like to get out of a movie. I'm generally not a horror movie fan at all, so that places Seven in highly unappealing territory for me. If it was less disgusting and just played more like a regular crime movie, I'd perhaps like it more.
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