Originally Posted by Mord
Trollheart's forced puns aren't funny.
No, the thread title is
UNpopular Opinions. Also replace "Trollheart's forced puns" with "Everything Trollheart says". I'd also like to point out that none of my puns are forced; they all knew what they were getting into. If they didn't read the small print, is that my fault?
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds
The human race would, on the whole, be better off without smartphones.
You'd rather everyone had dumb phones? "Call Alex." "Now calling Alice." "No, I said ALEX". "Now calling Ashid Alex." "I don't know anyone called Ashid anything!" "Now calling "Mad Ting" etc...
Originally Posted by Man like Monkey
Completely agree with Lisna.
We should start by invading the only 22 countries we've yet to invade 
Yeah. There are way too many countries out there who don't yet hate you. You need to go for the complete set.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Go for Chad. Nobody likes a Chad.
(Alright: who had that I would post a Nickelback picture? Frownland? Who wins the cash?)